4 Emerging Trends in Remote Working

Remote working is still in its infancy. Due to Covid-19’s tragic arrival, companies were forced to adapt and continue their operations remotely. The transition has been somewhat smooth. Now over 50% of companies are operating via a virtual working environment, and that percentage is predicted to grow in the coming years. It’s important to know that the current way in which remote work operates isn’t here to stay.  

Here are 4 emerging trends to keep in mind.  

Virtual Reality: 

The evolution of VR has experienced many bumps throughout its development. What began as a fantasy for Sci-fi enthusiasts is now becoming part of everyday reality, including remote working.  

Virtual Reality is promising to change the current ways in which remote work communication is done. Slack, Zoom, Twist, and other remote-working technologies have offered a cheap and easy solution for teams looking to replicate their previous in-person working experience. VR is looking to take it to the next step. While many VR collaboration tools are still in development, they provide a glimpse into what the future of remote working might look like. For remote companies in search of more personal and authentic conference call experiences, VR is set to be a powerful new development.  


Automation is demonized in modern society as a job thief. The ominous threat of your job getting stripped away and automated is on many minds. What is frequently ignored is that automation eliminates the burden of mundane tasks and opens the possibility for more meaningful work. For example, there are developments of intuitive virtual assistants with the ability to sense when a worker needs help or recommend a break if they detect increasing exhaustion. From keyword research for marketers to coding simplification for developers, automation will allow for a more productive and streamlined workflow for future remote employees.  

Productivity Assistants: 

With more freedom comes more responsibility. Remote workers need to become aware of their productivity, from peak times of concentration to potential distractions. The global transition into remote work and the responsibility it imposes has opened up a new market for productivity tools. AI-powered productivity assistants provide valuable insight into user working patterns. An emerging market of productivity tools will enhance the remote working experience by helping manage employee focus. As AI technology becomes more sophisticated, employees can look forward to collaborative interactions with their AI counterparts. Rather than your productivity assistant simply monitoring daily affairs, you will be able to outsource many of your tasks to them. Your AI assistant might even help with more complex tasks that require creativity and problem-solving.  

 Virtual Team Building: 

Virtual team building helps your team achieve deeper bonds by creating a collaborative environment that’s similar to in-office settings. One of the biggest concerns with remote work is the physical and emotional distance employees feel in their relationship with colleagues. This is why there must be comfortable team environments that workers can rely on. Virtual team building activities include carefully designed strategies, games, and social events, an effort to bring more human interaction into the virtual working environment.  

 Bottom Line: 

Adapting to the emerging trends of remote working is crucial if you wish to stay competitive in the global market. There is a growing incentive behind remote working, especially now that many companies are intending to switch to fully remote operations, even after covid-19’s restrictions. 

 If you’re looking to implement some of these remote working technologies into your company, contact Cyber Chasse. We provide cutting-edge solutions for designing optimal remote working environments.