Comprehensive Security and Risk Management


Our experts help you with detailed technical and data analysis for managing operational and strategic risks.

Comprehensive, On-Demand, Affordable and Reliable Technical Support

Cyber Chasse provides IT security consulting services to ensure you have effective security policies in place. Effective security policies are the foundation of an effective security program, as it helps to clarify the security goals of an organization w.r.t its business processes, technical mechanisms, and personal behavior.  

Cyber Chasse- consulting

Risk assessment

We provide risk assessment to organizations to proactively prevent cyberattacks and enhance the IT security of their organization. Some of the security risks are – loss of data, data breach, malware attack, etc. our trusted consultants can use risk adjustment performances to help organizations prevent cyberattacks and gain confidence of stakeholders by protecting their important data.

Security Policy Development

We also offer Security Policy Development service which helps create new policies as per company’s requirements. The security policies include – access control, ownership, information security, secure development etc. we help you develop and deploy security policies that close the gaps that might otherwise increase the threat to your organization.

Cyber Chasse- Assessment
Cyber Chasse- security policy

Security Policy Review

We offer Security Policy Review services as part of security consulting services that assesses an organization’s existing Security Policies to determine compliance with relevant regulations. Our security policy audit will show you vulnerabilities and gaps in the existing policy or system. We have resources to uncover the security gaps within the organization and establish a balanced security risk management program.

Compliance assessment & deployment 

We provide compliance audits that are designed to assess an organization’s regulatory compliance effectiveness. Growing regulatory bodies impose enormous burdens on institutions to safeguard their information systems, transaction processes, and sensitive databases. We help enterprises effectively maintain their regulatory requirements. The compliances we support include – PCI-DSS, HIPAA, ISO 27001 and SOX. 

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