Cyber Chasse- Ace Your Cybersecurity Job Interview

Ace Your Cybersecurity Job Interview

It’s no secret that Cybersecurity professionals are in huge demand. While there are several career options in cybersecurity, one thing is for sure, cybersecurity skills are needed in every industry and the job outlook is extremely promising. Needless to say, interest in this career option is growing rapidly. Although there are several unfilled jobs and a shortage of talent, jobs in information security are extremely competitive. So, how do you ace your cybersecurity job interview? Well, keep reading.

The Basics

The first step to landing your dream job in cybersecurity is to nail the interview. While you may or may not have a technical degree, you should be prepared for questions that will test your theoretical as well as practical knowledge. If you have just finished your degree, make sure you have a thorough understanding of your newfound skills. On the other hand, if you have been in the profession for a few years, learn about the latest skills in demand and plan to take some certification courses to increase your marketability. It’s always a good idea to keep updating your skills because technology in this field keeps evolving as cybersecurity controls get tighter.

Technical Skills

Cybersecurity jobs are not a one-size-fits-all. However, no matter what your experience, as an information security expert, you will be required to have technical expertise in your respective field. Without a doubt well developed technical skills will be top priority for employers and most interviews will start with a briefing of your technical capabilities. Make sure you are ready to present real examples of all the technical skills you have listed on your resume.

Furthermore, don’t be afraid to mention skills that you have exposure to but are not proficient in, especially if it is a “good to have skill” for the job. Familiarity with a “good to have skill” can help make you a top contender but make sure to clearly mention your appropriate skill level. Additionally, make sure to communicate eagerness to learn new and emerging technologies. This will be a good indication of your motivation and dedication to the cybersecurity field.

Soft Skills

More and more employers these days are giving high importance to soft skills. While most people equate soft skills to communication skills, there are several other attributes that make up soft skills. describes soft skills as “desirable qualities for certain forms of employment that do not depend on acquired knowledge: they include common sense, the ability to deal with people, and a positive flexible attitude.”

Soft skills are essential when working in a collaborative environment. Almost all jobs require employees to work and engage with others on a daily basis. Soft skills help you do just that and include conflict resolution, problem-solving, decision making, teamwork, critical thinking, time management, motivation and creative thinking. Make sure you highlight your strong soft skills, focusing on the ones mentioned in the job listing and elaborate on how you have used them to succeed at work.

Don’t present yourself as overqualified

While you may have many more skills than what the job requires, make sure not to present yourself as overqualified. It may seem tempting because your goal is to impress the interviewer. But keep in mind that speaking of skills that are not required for the job will waste precious interview time and render you overqualified. Employers will not hire you if you come across as overqualified because they risk the chance of losing you to a better opportunity. Instead, focus and discuss only the skills that are relevant to the role you are applying for.

Don’t be a master of everything

Security risks are real and extremely costly making cybersecurity an important part of modern-day business. Obviously, cybersecurity specialists have serious responsibilities to shoulder. Due to the critical nature of this profession, the industry is known to hire two people who excel in their roles rather than one person performing several jobs with mediocracy. Companies can’t take a chance with security risks and would rather have dedicated staff for each role. Make sure to emphasize your expertise in the role because there’s a high chance that the position you’re applying for is very specific.


Besides what we have already discussed in this article, there are other ways you can prepare for an upcoming cybersecurity job interview. Start with doing some research on questions that are likely to be asked such as listed in this article: Top 50 Information Security Interview Questions. Another option would be to partner with a professional IT consulting company that specializes in cybersecurity such as Cyber Chasse. For more information on how you can get prepared for your interview and land that dream job, click here.