Cyber Chasse- Classroom Training

Classroom Training Vs. Online Training – The Good and the Bad

Classroom Training Vs. Online, Which One’s Better?  

Classroom Training or Online Training? –This is perhaps the biggest debate in today’s day and age. Online training is a novel and more convenient alternative to classroom training, which is becoming a more popular and preferred method, even more so post the pandemic! However, the age-old debate on the effectiveness of online training as compared to classroom training continues. Some individuals prefer real-time interaction with an instructor while others like the flexibility brought by eLearning.  

Both classroom training and eLearning and methods share common attributes; however, eLearning is proving to be a more cost-effective and flexible method for organizations. It is essential to keep in mind the needs of your particular business and your staff’s unique training requirements. While technology makes online training more accessible, live training is arguably more personal.          

Take a Deeper Dive? 

Classroom Training vs. Online training – The Pros and the Cons  

1. Audience Engagement

For a lot of people, nothing beats interacting in person with the instructor, as a healthy percentage of communication includes body language and other nonverbal cues. For such individuals, physical classrooms as well as live online events, such as instructor-led classes and webinars may be preferred.

Other forms of virtual training such as Video learning is widely popular among adults. With videos, learners begin to appreciate the availability of learning what is relevant to immediate job needs. 

2. Adaptability to Training 

When you have a training resource all to yourself, as with a video, you gain more focus on the features that are specific to your nature of work. A vast majority of virtual training also allows you to start at the level that you prefer while skipping the stuff that you have already mastered. This saves time.

Classroom training on the other hand tends to be more restrictive since it is focused on bettering a specific group of individuals at the same time. However, group training enables your staff to participate actively in discussions, which is a proven way for adults to process and integrate new information.   

3. Convenience 

Online learning in the form of recorded videos and other asynchronous delivery methods helps learners access content anytime and anywhere, provided have an Internet connection. Live training, whether online or in person, typically follows a set schedule and requires the individual to be present at the scheduled time.

This can be a drawback, in cases where an individual is unable to attend the training session due to an illness or personal emergency. 

4. Cost

With online learning methods, whether it’s a recorded or live session, you can cater to a distributed staff without overhead such as travel costs for the learners or instructor. Online learning through videos and other short, asynchronous methods can help employees plan and fit them into their schedules without disrupting their other work duties.

Also, once virtual training materials have been created, the incremental cost of training per employee is negligible when compared to live training which has a fairly steady cost per employee as you scale it. 

5. Protected Learning 

Online training or virtual training often takes place at your desk or at home, where distractions are common. Each time the learner pauses their learning and return to it later, they lose productivity due to the cognitive costs of switching tasks.

However, live training promotes a distraction-free time where you can grasp things better. The learner will benefit from an instructor who can monitor in person and steer the environment in which they learn. 

When Online Training Gets an Instructor – Striking a Balance 

While Online Training offers flexibility, cost savings, and a lot of other benefits, Instructor-Led Training provides real-time human connection and opportunity for first-hand practice. But add these two training approaches together, and you’re in for a whole new world of most amazing benefits. Today, learning is about understanding, practicing, and experiencing new knowledge and skills in a meaningful and relevant way. It is a fact that nothing beats instructor-led online training when it comes to an immersive learning experience. Whether it’s virtual or classroom-based, ILT allows learners to actively participate in their learning.   

Cyber Chasse Learning Academy provides you with access to one of the best virtual instructor-led training programs in the country on various cutting-edge technology tools.   

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Related post: Benefits of Online Training: Top 10 Facts and Statistics