Cyber Chasse bringing digital safety to Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay is home to some of the country’s leading cybersecurity firms. At a time when Tampa Bay’s cyber giants are experiencing exponential growth and demand for cybersecurity talent, the region is unraveling its potential to promulgate talent acquisition strategies by coalescing with leading players in the region.

Cyber Chasse, one of the leading cybersecurity consulting companies in the region, has been striving for the past 5 years to solidify the cybersecurity initiatives of the region through strategic interventions.

As a high-growth cybersecurity firm, Cyber Chasse provides professional solutions to customers ranging from Fortune 500 companies to start-ups with an expanding presence in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, and India. Their belief in the digital demands of the era has formed Cyber Chasse Staffing, a segment provided to fill the specialization gap in the tech industry. Cyber Chasse Academy functions with the mission of bridging the skill gap through affordable niche technology training programs using their industry expert instructors.

Anilkumar Jayaprakash, founder and president of Cyber Chasse has found the opportunity to speak at the Royal Investment Summit hosted in Bahrain. Bringing more investments and business into Florida, Mr. Jayaprakash mentions, “We aim to provide strategic cybersecurity solutions to governments and corporates in the region”.

Using a strategic approach Mr. Jayaprakash states, “Comprehensive cybersecurity training methodology aimed at creating opportunities is needed for learners across many countries is in adherence with the changing cyber world. It should encompass courses on critical security controls, ethical hacking, network, and wireless security and mobile security.”

According to recent reports, Tampa is ranked #2 for malware infections per person and the rise continues since the start of the pandemic last year. Experts have asserted that the Covid-19 pandemic has raised new challenges as businesses adapt to a modern operating model in which working from home has become the “new normal”.

In all sectors including IT, FMCG, education, services, health, manufacturing, etc., the pandemic has compelled companies to use technology to reimagine nearly every facet of their operations.

Mr. Jayaprakash said this was further evidence of a new era of digital transformation in the region driven by wider technology investments.

“Businesses are speeding up their digital transformations, and cybersecurity has become a major concern. Cybercriminals are looking for opportunities to ramp up their illegal activities by leveraging the outdated and inefficient data protection measures followed by several companies.”

Protecting consumer data has become more important than ever, warned Mr. Jayaprakash, saying “exposing the customer base to potential threats will not only harm companies but also affect the industry’s overall adoption rate of future tech solutions”.