Cyber Chasse- Avoided In The Job Interview

Top 7 Mistakes To Be Avoided In The Job Interview

All of us know how important and intimidating a job interview is for every job seeker. Every single person competing for a position will prepare well for the interview to prove themselves as the best choice. But only the one who is aware of the nuances of handling an interview makes it. It’s very common to observe that most people focus on what to do in an interview than what not to do. Although every interview is an experience, one should try to identify and correct their mistakes to crack the next interview. 

7 Common Mistakes to Avoid in the Job Interview 

If you are looking for a job and trying to figure out the do’s and don’ts in an interview, then here is a list of top 7 mistakes one has to avoid in the interview. 

1. Not Being Punctual 

The first impression is the best undoubtedly. If you show up late to an interview, the chances of cracking the interview would be very minimal even though you perform well. Besides, if you have another interview scheduled back to back on the same day, either the first interview will be cut short or you are going to show up late to the other interview as well. It might lead to poor chances of getting selected and also the interviewer would be grumpy throughout the interview. Being on spot 15minutes before the schedule would make you look like an organized person and also you can be calm and confident during the interview. 

2. Improper Dress Code 

Your knowledge, skills, and experience hold only 50% whereas the remaining 50% scoring is based on your dress code and body language. It’s mandatory to find out the nature of the company and the dress code it follows. However, even if the company follows a casual dress code, it is advisable to appear in formals or business casuals as the interview is obviously a formal meeting. Make sure that your clothes are neatly ironed and stain-free. Jeans or any exposing dresses are a strict no. Wearing too many accessories or jewelry should be avoided as it may distract the attention of the interviewer. Wear minimal makeup and avoid fancy eyeshades, lipsticks and nail colors. A simple and pleasant look would make you look elegant. 

3. Poor Body Language 

Your body language can say more about your personality. Many people forget to smile or greet out of nervousness which would again leave a negative impression. It will make you look like a less social person. Learn the basic professional etiquette to save yourself from embarrassment. Shaking a crossed leg or leaning back comfortably on the chair is going to reduce your score. Personal hygiene has to be maintained compulsorily. When a drink or snack is offered, gobbling it instantly would make you look unprofessional so having sip by a sip or taking small bites would do. A handshake is the most important part of any official meeting and hence it should be firm and crisp. And yes ensure that your hands or not wet or dirty.   

4. Seeming Uninterested 

If you give a signal to the interviewer that you are uninterested, obviously you are not going any further. Taking much time to answer for a question, avoiding eye contact, laying back in the chair comfortably would all reflect your energy level. You need to be enthusiastic during an interview. Your interest in the position, the job role, and the company should all be reflected through your body language to persuade the interviewer. A most common mistake that has to be avoided is looking at the mobile phone during a job interview. The mobile phone should be strictly turned off or put in silent mode. This is will show how serious you are towards the position. 

5. Asking Irrelevant or No Questions 

Most of them think that an interview is meant only to answer all the questions an interviewer asks. But one should understand that any communication will have value only when it comes from both sides. Hence, when a chance is given to you to ask a question to the interviewer, you should be wise enough to ask some witty questions. Avoid asking personal questions or complementing the interviewer. Ask questions related to the position you are being interviewed for, about the opportunity to grow in the organization, and other such sage questions. Asking irrelevant questions or asking no questions at all will not be appreciated. 

6. Not Carrying a Resume or CV 

One must carry a copy of their resume or CV while going for an interview. This will portray you as a responsible person. Even if you had mailed a copy earlier to the HR or the interviewer, carry a physical copy along with you. Making the work easy for them would always be appreciated. Specify your skills, your work experience, educational qualifications, special courses that you pursued, your accomplishments, strengths, and weaknesses clearly and crisply in your resume. Most importantly you should know what you have mentioned in your resume and should be able to explain everything that you have put in it. If you struggle to explain, the interviewer will think that you have copied and pasted from the internet. 

7. Forgetting or Aggressive Follow Up 

Whether the interviewer mails you or not regarding the interview status, one should contact them and try to find out. It is not advisable to call them every day and nag which would, of course, irritate them. Instead, drop a thank you mail within 24 hours to appreciate them for their time and once again emphasize your interest in the position. Wait for another 24 to 48 hours and then leave another mail in a very gentle and polite way asking for the status. If you don’t follow up, they will conclude that you are not much interested. Also, if they say that you are not selected, don’t express your anger or disappointment rather thank them for letting you know and maintain your professionalism throughout. 

Bottom Line 

A job interview can be stressful especially when you see many candidates lined up for a single position. The sense of competition would make everyone nervous but prepare your best for the interview and try to avoid the common mistakes. Gather as much information as possible about the company and try to explain where you can be value addition. This would impress the interviewer for sure. 

Hope this post was interesting and insightful at the same time. Follow these rules and share your interview experiences below. 

Good luck!