Cyber Chasse- Splunk IT Service Intelligence

Splunk IT Service Intelligence


What is Splunk ITSI?

Splunk IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) is a service geared towards providing IT solutions using a combination of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). Splunk ITSI is a one stop solution that provides insights on the functioning of critical IT services and their infrastructure. It can help identify anomalies, potential causes for these discrepancies, analyze different ways to rectify discrepancies and predict areas of impact. This enables smooth, efficient and successful IT operations.


What is it used for?

Splunk ITSI is used for the following purposes:

  1. To provide a one stop location for all of an organization’s data, making it easier to access data, eliminating data silos, and enabling a holistic view of data.
  2. To arrange and link events cross functionally and identify the underlying service context in order to conduct efficient root cause analysis, investigations and shorten time frame for incident resolution.
  3. To utilize artificial intelligence in order to set a benchmark for normal digital operations and actions, making it easier to identify anomalies and adapt to any imminent threat.
  4. To improve business productivity, service operations and to ensure cross functional collaboration.


Splunk ITSI Tools

The Service Analyzer

This provides a bird’s eye view of the functioning of your IT environment. This allows you to view different Key performance indicators (KPIs) for your services in order to scrutinize services with lower scores on any KPI. You can also use the predictive analytics dashboard to forecast the future health of your offerings.

Glass Tables

These tables enable clear communication of an entity’s most important metrics to all functions based on relevance. It allows visualization of cross functional linkages and dependencies across the entire portfolio of services. Glass tables allow real time monitoring, performance measurement that is in tune with a company’s goals and objectives. These tools can be customized to formulate role specific dashboards, to identify and communicate cross functional relationships and dependencies, and to predict performance impact. These results are communicated in a visually appealing, easy to understand format.

Deep Dives

Deep Dives is an organizational tool designed to correlate relevant KPIs and events to allow efficient root cause analysis. It enables comparisons between performance in different time periods to identify trends, issues and opportunities. This is another visual capability which enables organizations to pinpoint issues by correlating metrics, events, discrepancies and logs across different functions and services (Multi KPI). Trigger conditions help highlight notable events.

Notable events

This capability provides a holistic view of all the alerts produced through Multi KPI alerts, cross functional searches and anomaly detection tools. You have the autonomy to create cumulative policies yourself or use artificial intelligence to combine events. This capacility serve as an early warning mechanism to help you focus on the service context of the event and react to any incident report.


Other capabilities

Splunk ITSI uses artificial intelligence to extract from machine data, without needing to explain what to do. It helps benchmark normal operations and adapt thresholds to incorporate real time changes, detect abnormal patterns in operations, gauge early signs of failure, and allows data driven actions based on correlations and context.

Splunk ITSI has a collection of modules that provide quick data analysis and results with data access and preset dashboards allowing deeper insights into an entity’s technological systems. These modules encompass important KPIs, service types and detailed dashboards that can be easily translated to different services.


Final Note

Splunk ITSI uses a proactive approach to problem solving, generating insights and producing useful insight across a company’s entire portfolio of services. Organizations can benefit by utilizing their limited time and resources