Vulnerability management is more than just running tests and identifying gaps. Rather it is a process to detect weaknesses and proactively fix them before they are exploited. Vulnerability management lifecycle includes planning and prioritizing to mitigate potential risks and threats. In this blog we discuss...

Migrating to a cloud has several advantages such as flexibility, increase in efficiency and added security. But if you think a Cloud migration is your best solution for cybersecurity, think again. Although a cloud partnership with service providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and...

Then and now The 80s were a period of economic boom and a rise in technology. Cyber crimes were trivial and not financially driven. A small-time hacker disrupting your personal computer was more for the thrill than for financial gain. Malware was used to erase contents...

What is Penetration Testing? Penetration testing is a practice to test IT networks, software, systems, devices, and applications in order to uncover security gaps and vulnerabilities that could be exploited. Penetration testing is also referred to as Pen testing or ethical hacking and enables you to...