Cyber Chasse- Vishing

What is Vishing? Tips to prevent Vishing

You may wonder – what is vishing? And why the entire world is bustling about it. Vishing is a combination of Voice and Phishing. Vishers or cybercriminals generally use VoIP, an internet calling service to collect sensitive and confidential information of individuals to loot their identity and money.

Vishers generally trick people, mostly emotionally to panic them. This, in turn, triggers them to reveal sensitive information instantly. The most common form of vishing is stealing your bank account or credit card details. They ask for a password or PIN reset by calling the number provided by them. 

Once you call the number provided, an automated voice would ask for the confidential data. All the details provided will get recorded and be used by the vishers. They use fake caller IDs hence they can’t be identified easily. It’s always better to be proactive and hence follow certain simple tips to escape from the vishers. 

Tips to Prevent Vishing

Vishing is the latest technique used by cybercriminals to trick you and obtain important and confidential information. Here are some interesting tips for you to safeguard yourself from the VoIP phishers.

1.      Verify Unknown Phone Numbers

Getting a call from an unknown number? Check if it’s a scam or a legitimate number using mobile applications such as True caller or any such apps. At most incidences, the app displays if it’s a scam or not. When you are unsure, call your bank or related offices directly and check if the call was from them. Don’t share your information with anyone over the phone unless you are sure.

2.      Don’t Share Passwords or Login Details

Most of the vishers try to loot money by asking for debit/credit card details, passwords or login information. They try to trick using emotional reasons or seasonal offers to get login credentials. They even provide fake ID proofs to make one believe. Be aware that the banks or any other institutions would never ask for such sensitive information over the phone. So, never share passwords, PIN, OTP and CVV with anyone.

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3.      Don’t Share Passport or ID card Details

When most of the phishers aim at looting money, some of them aim at stealing the identity. Identity theft has become more common these days, especially in the USA. The voice phishers generally target job seekers. A job offer with a fancy package is usually sent to them to collect their attributes. A company’s name, address, website and other relevant details are used without its knowledge to create a fake job offer. Along with the offer, a form is attached asking for the details right from their name to passport and other personal information.

The next time you see such job offers with fancy packages, call the company directly and check if the offer is authentic. Also, ensure that you are verifying the call or mail before revealing the information. The cybercriminals are smart enough to manipulate and make you give away the details almost instantly. Stay alert!

4.      Don’t Call or Mail to Unsolicited Numbers or Web Links

Stop responding to unsolicited calls or emails from any company or brand. Never open web pages or links that seem like spam as the chances of getting trapped are high. Also, cookies or hidden applications may get installed when you visit such websites. It collects all the details from your device without your knowledge. The hidden apps can be dangerous, and it can turn on your device’s camera without your permission to stalk you. So, stay away from the tempting ads or links that say, “You won 1 million dollars,” or “You would become a millionaire if you click to open the link.”

Bottom Line

Now, you know what vishing is and how threatening it is. So, stay alert always and never share any sensitive or confidential information over the phone or email with anyone. Although the caller or mailer claims it to be urgent, verify the authenticity before proceeding further to safeguard yourself from these ruthless cybercriminals. 

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