Cyber Chasse- E-Learning Retain Employee

Is E-Learning The Best Way To Retain Employees?

If joining a new company is an intimidating task for an employee, then hiring a new resource is equally daunting for an employer and e-learning can help them with it. Recruitment involves a considerable amount of time, energy, and sometimes money as well. Moreover, every employee needs to be trained and molded appropriately. It takes around 6 months for a newbie to completely adapt to an organization. 

Hence, it is of the utmost importance to retain the employees. If an employee quits soon after joining an organization, they need to once again go through the process of hiring, training and readying. A high attrition rate is a negative sign for an organization as it impacts productivity. Customer sentiment may also get affected by having to discuss with a different person often. Thus, organizations embrace certain methods to retain their employees. One of such powerful methods is e-learning. 

Advantages of E-learning 

E-learning courses are much flexible compared to conventional courses. It can be rendered as per the employee’s convenience at their own pace. E-learning courses also utilize interactive and fun learning elements such as games, quizzes, videos, and animations. This encourages them to actively participate and give their 100%. Also, they assist in great knowledge transfer allowing the employees to understand the concepts better. Personalized e-learning programs can make the newly joined employees feel a part of the organization. All these factors influence an employee positively to be loyal to their company. 

However, as an employer, it’s common to think that an employee might move to another organization for a better opportunity after gaining knowledge. But it doesn’t happen so and e-learning is a surefire way to enhance employee retention. Let’s see how e-learning helps organizations achieve it. 

1. Customized E-Learning Material 

The one-size-fits-all concept won’t work anymore and it will demotivate the employees. Therefore making use of the flexibility that e-learning offers would be beneficial. Personalized courses for every employee based on their department or other criteria can help you serve what is important for them. This will help them brush their skills and also motivate them to update themselves. Assisting a newbie better groom himself would make him feel like a part of the organization. This helps in retaining the employee for a longer period. 

2. Better Accessibility 

Many organizations provide an LMS platform, but with poor accessibility. This doesn’t solve the purpose and it only demotivates the employee. An intuitive dashboard with better accessibility allows them to explore more courses. This, in turn, reduces the absenteeism during training thereby letting them absorb the complete essence of the course. Besides, it encourages them to catch up with the missed course from anywhere and at any time. Thus, good quality e-learning portal increases the effectiveness thereby improving the retention rate. 

3. Quality Training 

Having a comprehensive training system in place enhances productivity. This is very obvious as every newbie will feel confident about themselves due to high knowledge acquisition. Therefore a quality training program and training platform are essential in improving the retention rate. The companies that failed even after deploying training programs did not have an effective module or a user-friendly platform. 

4. E-Learning Empowers Employees 

It is now very clear that a good training program empowers an employee in all aspects. E-learning allows them to analyze what they learned and at what pace. This also lets them self-understand their skills and interests. Besides, an employer can find out the real strength of every employee and allocate him the right responsibility to get a 100% result from him. Thus the employee can have a greater level of autonomy. An assured career enhancement opportunity makes every employee stay with the company as it builds faith and trust. 

5. Boost Morale 

Incorporating e-learning in your organization can benefit you as well as your employees. Quality training gives great engagement and improved productivity which is the ultimate aim of every employer. Also, high engagement increases the employee’s morale which aligns them well with the goals of the company. This sky-rockets productivity thereby making the employees feel satisfied with their jobs. Hence, it improves the overall working relationships in your organization. 

Bottom Line 

Almost 90% of the candidates sign up for private courses to enhance their knowledge while they work. Also, many companies request the employees to take up courses to fill up the knowledge gap. So in such a case when the organization itself offers e-learning courses specially created for every individual, the employees will highly appreciate it. This will eventually increase the employee retention rate.