Augmented Reality (AR) is for real-world circumstances and the computer-generated knowledge augments its components.   Augmented Reality is applied in various fields such as:  · Marketing   · Travel Navigation  · Repair and Maintenance  · Entertainment   · Medical  · Education, etc...

This post is to explicate the working of statistic command and how it differs. The main commands available in Splunk are stats, eventstats, streamstats, and tstats.  As an analyst, we come across many dashboards while making dashboards, alerts, or understanding existing dashboards. These are indeed challenging to understand but they make our work easy. So let’s find out how these stats commands work.  What are Stats...

 The Join command in Splunk helps to combine the sub search results with that of the main search. To do this, we need one or more common fields. You can also use the self-join command to combine a search result set to itself. The join command is also called a centralized streaming command when a...

In this blog, We can Discuss how to generate User Login Alert when an unauthorized user attempts to log in The objective here is to generate a Login alert when an unauthorized user attempts to log in. So, an alert will be generated in Splunk when a user with wrong credentials...