What is Penetration Testing? Penetration testing is a practice to test IT networks, software, systems, devices, and applications in order to uncover security gaps and vulnerabilities that could be exploited. Penetration testing is also referred to as Pen testing or ethical hacking and enables you to...

We’ve all heard the term Cyber security. But many don’t even know what this term means. Don’t believe me? Just ask around and prepare to be surprised. This blog is an attempt to simplify the term and raise awareness of this phenomena that so many...

As cybercrimes grow in numbers and sophistication, it has become essential for businesses to take a proactive approach to ensure security against cyber threats. Agile businesses are investing heavily in cybersecurity strategies to eliminate risks and keep sensitive data secure. No business is immune to...

Cyberattacks are a rising crime not only in the U.S. but all over the world. Cybercrimes have become the most significant and expensive threat to companies of all sizes as they become progressively more sophisticated and organized. Recent high-profile attacks include data breach at Marriott in 2018, the...